Friday, October 17, 2008

Well, for those of you who have children, this will probably be no surprise. Bella is into this phase and I absolutely cannot stand it, it drives me crazy! Everything to everyone is "No it's MINE"!!! I really just do not like it at all. I do not even know where she heard it from. The things kids will do and say. I have tried repeatedly to explain to her that although it may be yours we still have to share and you can't say that to people because it is not nice. But it is like she is not even listening to me because less than 5 minutes later she is doing it again. Maybe someone has some suggestions if you and your child had trouble with this problem. I have explained to her the best way that I can but I really think she is just acting out and is being a typical 2 year old at this point in her life. If anyone remembers me as a child I was rowdy and sometimes not very nice. My mother laughs and says, "Honey you are definately paying for your raising!" Uh oh, I'm seriously scared then! ;)


Scarlett said...

Yes, she is acting appropriately for her age---I would suggest to share things with her throughout the day to teach her how to share. Also, you could share things with her baby dolls and teddy bears or whatever. Really play it up! Children learn best through example and she will probably start copying you and then maybe it will become a habit. :)

Will and Melodie said...

I do not look forward to those days ahead and since I'm not there yet, I don't have any advice. Remember what works though and you can tell me in a year or so!