Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hey everyone! Well, I normally do not blog but here goes! Scarlett was very nice in helping me set up my blog. She suggested that I do it because I have been struggling with some things lately. She thinks that it might help me in getting my mind off some things and she is probably right. I don't want to scare anyone, nothing is seriously wrong I have just been dealing with some things. I have been through so much the last 2 years with the surgery during pregnancy, the delivery, then all of the physical problems and surgeries following. I think that I have just let everything build up and I finally feel like I am going to explode! I have a wonderful husband and mom that I can talk to that are so supportive, but still I feel like I am going to explode. We want another baby so badly but it is so scary. I am so afraid that I will have the same kidney problems that I had the first time around. The doctors are telling me baby or hysterectomy because of my female problems. I am struggling. It is not cool to have to make that kind of decision at 27 years old. I am in need of some good emotional support right now. I know there are worse things that could happen but I've always been the type to want 3 or 4 kiddos running around, and Richard too :)


Kimberly said...

Hey Caroline. Welcome to the blogging world. I dont have a blog, but I love keeping up with everyone else's blog. I am so sorry you have been having a hard time. Please let me know if you ever need anything.

Anonymous said...

hey caroline! i'm so glad you started blogging! i will keep you in my prayers. let's get together sometime for dinner! you can vent all you want to so you don't explode! :)

Meredith said...

Caroline, this really is a good place to vent! I'm so sorry you're struggling with this. It's tough. Is Dr. Conrad still you're doctor? If so, I'm sure he can give you some good advice. Let me know...you can message me on facebook. Hang in there...I'll pray about it.

Kayla said...

Thanks for the invite:) I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I know that must be such a hard and scary decision. Let me know if I can ever do anything to help!

Will and Melodie said...

Hey girl! Glad to know you're here now. Maybe you can keep us updated better now. I can't imagine the kinds of decisions you are having to make right now. I know that it seems tough but just remember God has a plan for your family. I hope you feel better soon! We are here if you need us!